Crucible Patch Notes version 0.0.5

Crucible 0.0.5 patch notes


  • Changed speed units from m/s to custom units. 1m/s is equivalent to 10ups in the new model
  • Increased base move speed to 250ups from 200ups
  • Introduced a crouch move speed limit, set at 150ups
  • Increased gravity from 500ups/s to 800ups/s
  • Reduced the force push from dashing from 250ups to 200ups
  • Reduced to max angle for initial crouch slide velocity translation from 180 degrees to 110 degrees
    • this means that when you initiate crouch sliding immediately upon landing you will only continue into a crouch slide if the angle between your look vector and movement vector is below 110 degrees
  • Tightened the angle for corner sliding to be less forgiving
    • This means that aggressive mouse turning during crouch sliding will reduce your speed more rapidly
  • Increased the wall jump detection zone from 1m to 1.75m
  • Updated UI speedometer to only take planar speed into account. Vertical speed is no longer reflected in the speedometer


  • Increased accuracy of all shotguns
    • The change of shotguns patterns to concentric rings made shotguns unusable beyond very close range. This should increase their effective range to match realistic scenarios a bit better.
  • Projectile speed increased by around 30% across the board, with some exceptions
  • Projectile drop lowered on Blazter and Bombardeer
    • The effective range on these two was a bit too low. The faster projectiles combined with the slower drop should result in more usability at medium ranges
  • Zoom levels adjusted across the board
    • Before, zoom levels were catered to each individual weapon. To allow smoother transition between different weapons, zoom levels have been adjusted to one of the following for all weapons:
      • 1.5x
      • 2x
      • 2.5x
      • 4x
  • Vibrapulse range increased from 50m to 60m
  • EMG
    • Impact damage increased 10 >> 15
    • Area damage increased 5 >> 10
    • Firerate decreased 20/s >> 10/s
    • The EMG was consuming ammunition too quickly for an explosive type weapon. The lowered rate of fire compensates for that. Damage has been increased to mitigate some of the DPS reduction, but not all the way through as the increased ammo efficiency is a buff in itself.


  • Melee functionality added
    • Close range area attack
    • 0.8 second cooldown
    • Can't use weapons during recovery


Crucible_0.0.5 53 MB
Oct 09, 2020

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